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  1. WizardTux

    Network Labs

    So I thought I'd post some networking labs I've been working on. Git Repository: This post will contain that information once its available, and be modified as new information is added.
  2. WizardTux

    FRR Turning Ubuntu 22.04.1 Into an OSPF Router

    In this post I’m going to turn a normal Ubuntu server install into an OSPF router. In this example we’re going to be using a Ubuntu install with 2 ethernet interfaces, we’ve already setup pfSense on the uplink interface with Free Range Routing (FRR) and its areas and we are only going to focus...
  3. WizardTux

    Creating a basic router with CentOS7

    I'm working on a work project and this is the start of my config for a router. I started with a fresh CentOS7 install. Here we are assuming eth0 is our “public” interface while eth1 is our “private” interface. 1) Install pre-reqs yum install epel-release yum install iptables-services yum...
  4. WizardTux

    Partner Content Designing a Client Network with OSPF - Multi Part

    Network Assumptions For this tutorial we are going to assume the following: Physical Layout We have 3 buildings Building 1 (1 switch) - building-1a ports 1-10 - staff access ports 11-15 - guest access ports 16-17 - wireless access points ports 18-19 - connect to building-2a ports 20-21 -...
  5. WizardTux

    Partner Content How to Install and Configure OpenVPN Server and Client for Routing (and other things)

    I try to keep my posts / tutorials as concise as possible but in some cases I'm not able to do that, and this is one of those cases. This is a longer one but it will be at the core of something I want to do within my lab. Install OpenVPN and Download EasyRSA First run an update and install...
  6. WizardTux

    Partner Content How to add additional IPs to your OVH Linux machine

    This is just a simple method for adding fail over IPs to your Linux server at OVH. This works for both Linux VPS's and dedicated servers. Disable Network Config This file won't be crated by default and we'll be creating it during the next step so lets open it in our editor (in my example I'll...
  7. WizardTux

    Lookup Public IP from CMD (Something I always forget and need to look up)

    Just a simple little thing, I don't know why I always forget and need to look this up. nslookup