So there are times that you may need to run an exe across many devices, and maybe those devices are across several organizations or not on a Windows Domain. With this script you can upload the file to a central web server and the script will download the file and run it on devices.
Note: This script was created for our previous RMM though could be modified to be ran in an organization on remote machines using PSRemoting.
It's a pretty simple script. Not flashy but it works.
Note: This script was created for our previous RMM though could be modified to be ran in an organization on remote machines using PSRemoting.
[string]$packageUri, # url to downlaod the exe from
[string]$packageName, # what to name the exe
[string]$packageSwitches #any package switches
) #end param
$path = "C:\"
$folder = "Tools"
$fullPath = -join($path,$folder,"\",$packageName)
function Test-Folder {
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $folder)) {
New-Item -Path $path -Name $folder -ItemType "directory" -Force
} #end Test-Folder
function Get-Installer {
if (Test-Path -Path $fullPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $packageUri -OutFile $fullPath
} #end Get-Installer
Test-Folder #verify the folder exists
Get-Installer #download a new installer
#run the install
Start-Process $fullPath -ArgumentList $packageSwitches -NoNewWindow -Wait
exit 1
It's a pretty simple script. Not flashy but it works.