General February 2023 - Updates

  • Welcome to ITBible, we're your #1 resource for enterprise or homelab IT problems (or just a place to show off your stuff).
This is just a general announcement.


Staff member
Diamond Supporter
Beta Tester
Network Engineer
Sep 22, 2022
Shawnee, Kansas, USA
Welcome to February!

I just wanted to give everyone an update (I'm trying to do this on the first weekend of the month every month) and I think this is going to be fairly short as I posted most of whats going (for me personally) on in a Twitter thread so feel free to read that. The rest of this list will be fairly bulleted.

  • Community - I think the biggest thing that would help here on the community is if more people were posting, I feel like people who join are more intimidated (maybe not the right term) if its just one person posting, but who knows.
  • Youtube - I want to start making videos again but with whats going on personally I'm not sure how regular I will be (see Twitter thread). I want to start a weekly podcast but I'm not sure if I have the time for that right now.
  • Websites / DNS - I'm moving websites around to try to save a bit of money, and to have less to maintain, however I'm still looking for help for anyone who may be interested in becoming a mod in my various servers / sites / services so I may have more to come from that. I may start offering geo-redundant name servers in the near future that will be available for anyone to use.
  • Marix - If you want to chat I'm always on Matrix and you can join the IT Bible space via this link: (if you're not already on matrix you can go to and create an account).
  • Discord - I've been adjusting settings on Discord but there isn't much new there.
  • Gaming - I want to keep Tranquil Gaming around but it doesn't seem that its getting much use, I'd like to put some different games on there, but I don't know what everyone wants to play.
  • Supporters - I still have the ability to support the community (none of this money will go to me) that I posted about last month, however I don't expect anyone to spend money here. If you want to become a member feel free to click here.