PowerShell Clear Stuck Print Jobs

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Just a way to clear print jobs that may be stuck "printing" or if they are in error status.
$PrintJobs = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_PrintJob" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -computername "."

foreach ($job in $PrintJobs) {
    $pos = ($job.Name).IndexOf(",")
    $printerName = ($job.Name).Substring(0, $pos)
    if($job.JobStatus -like "Error | Printing") {
        #Write-Host "Canceling job $($job.JobId)"
        Remove-PrintJob -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -ID $job.JobId -PrinterName $printerName
Updated a bit, allows for an array of computers, helpful if you need to also run the script on a print server.

     Created on:       12/9/2022 11:38 PM
     Created by:       WizardTux
     Organization:     IT Bible (itbible.org)
     Filename: ClearStuckPrintJobs.ps1       
        Clears print jobs on an array of computers

$Computers = @(

foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
    $name = $Computer
    if ($Computer -eq ".") { $name = "Local Machine" }
    Write-Host "Checking Print Jobs on: $($name)"
    $PrintJobs = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_PrintJob" -Namespace "root\CIMV2" -ComputerName $Computer
    foreach ($job in $PrintJobs)
        $pos = ($job.Name).IndexOf(",")
        $printerName = ($job.Name).Substring(0, $pos)
        if ($job.JobStatus -like "Error | Printing")
            Remove-PrintJob -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -ID $job.JobId -PrinterName $printerName

Any future updates to this script will be on our GitHub.