
  • Welcome to ITBible, we're your #1 resource for enterprise or homelab IT problems (or just a place to show off your stuff).
  1. WizardTux

    Direction of IT Bible

    My goal is to foster growth and learning in technology fields. I want IT Bible to grow but I want the community to be a quality resource that can help people. (read full article...)
  2. WizardTux

    General February 2023 - Updates

    Welcome to February! I just wanted to give everyone an update (I'm trying to do this on the first weekend of the month every month) and I think this is going to be fairly short as I posted most of whats going (for me personally) on in a Twitter thread so feel free to read that. The rest of this...
  3. WizardTux

    General January 2023 - Updates

    Sorry for the lack of updates/content but I've been sick and had some family things going on. I have a lot of changes that are coming up in my personal life so I'm hoping that I can make something work so I still have time to create videos and work on growing this community, this thread is the...