CISA Activity - CISA Upgrades to Version 2.0 of Traffic Light Protocol in One Week – Join Us!

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Original release date: October 25, 2022

On Nov. 1, 2022, CISA will upgrade from Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) 1.0 to TLP 2.0 in accordance with the recommendation by the Forum of Incident Response Security Teams (FIRST) that organizations move to 2.0 by the end of 2022. TLP Version 2.0 brings the following key updates:

  • TLP:CLEAR replaces TLP:WHITE for publicly releasable information.
  • TLP:AMBER+STRICT supplements TLP:AMBER, clarifying when information may be shared with the recipient’s organization only.

CISA encourages all network defenders and partners to upgrade to TLP Version 2.0 to facilitate greater information sharing and collaboration. For more information see:

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