Moderator Guidelines

  • Welcome to ITBible, we're your #1 resource for enterprise or homelab IT problems (or just a place to show off your stuff).
Our moderator program is designed to allow community members become part of the staff and help maintain order across the IT Bible network.

This set of guidelines is subject to change with or without notice.

Moderator Requirements​

Code of Conduct​

You must be professional in all interactions.
You must be active on the platform, regularly.

Moderator Benefits​

Profit Sharing​

Once the partner program profit sharing is enabled you will be requested to setup a 1099 with IT Bible to receive the benefits of Profit Sharing you must have this information filled out.

Profit Sharing Breakdown​

Part of the partner program profit sharing is providing the moderators a distribution of 5% of the total income (less platform expenses) distributed among them. Lets break this down in an example:

  • Platform Income: $1000
  • Platform Expenses: $400
  • Total for Distribution: $600
  • Moderator Distribution (5%): $30

So if there are 2 moderators the breakdown would be:
  • Moderator A: $15
  • Moderator B: $15
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