CISA Activity - CISA Releases External Affairs Guidance for: Zero Trust Maturity Model Version 2

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CISA has released an update to the Zero Trust Maturity Model (ZTMM), superseding the initial version released in September 2021. ZTMM provides a roadmap for agencies to reference as they transition towards a zero-trust architecture. ZTMM also provides a gradient of implementation across five distinct pillars to facilitate federal implementation, allowing agencies to make minor advancements toward optimization over time.

The objective of this update is to facilitate the distribution of the ZTMM Version 2 and educate federal civilian agencies on the updated ZTMM and its application to their zero-trust implementations. CISA encourages state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, and the private sector to use ZTMM as a baseline for implementing zero trust architecture.

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